Our Digital Ceramic ink-jet printer can print a very high-resolution image up to an impressive size of 5 metres by 2.8 metres. The ceramic is then fused into the glass at 680º C.

The resulting panels can be placed outside for signage, advertising etc, or used in a facade in full sunlight without fear of degradation.

Glasstone is made by printing glass with precise images of stone, as a lightweight, safe, and economical alternative to actual stone.

These images can easily be book-matched. There is virtually no limit to the types of imagery which can be permanently reproduced on glass for brilliant and exciting results.

Glastone is made by printing glass with precise images of stone, as a lightweight, safe, and economical alternative to actual stone.

These images can easily be book-matched. There is virtually no limit to the types of imagery which can be permanently reproduced on glass for brilliant and exciting results.